Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Dream Furniture as a Stress Cure

I find that thinking about furniture is a great stress reliever. So, despite the whirlwind that surrounds me I am thinking furniture...alot of it dreamy....
Sad, but true!

My dream sofa...

The Selby

one of my many dreamy chairs...

Matt Blatt

 Oh what the hell- a dream toaster and kettle

Dualit Toasters

Picquot Ware

on the perfect(cold climate,or at least winter...aka mountains) oven...                                             

Living etc

Although I may change the kettle to something like this if I had that aga...not sure, maybe not... oh the details.

Monday, October 18, 2010

5 Months and Bloody Star Wars

Well today my wee wee fella has turned 5 months. He can do all sorts of things......roll, sit up (although that's only reasonably short- lived), laugh uproariously (esp. at big wee fella), grab feet, suck feet-bless, babble at a gazillion decibels, say dada (although he seems to have gone off that one, started with mama- same trajectory), fart like a truck driver and bring tremendous joy to our lives. Happy 5 mos my wee wee man-xxx

Meanwhile my big wee fella is 5 years and 3 1/2 months. He too can do all sorts of things....... light saber you as you wake, ask a gazillion questions about Luke bloody Skywalker (who I never really liked anyway, too wussy- give me Han any day), use the force, make the wee wee fella laugh uproariously, talk... my he can talk, put hands on crotch or bum for many hours at a time (I think that's where the force is), smooch like... a smoochy thing- bless, fart like a truck driver and bring tremendous joy to our lives. Happy 5 years 3 1/2 months my big wee man.......

My beautiful tender-hearted boys-  may the force be with you both xx

Sunday, October 17, 2010


Well howdy to cyberspace.
Not sure that this is the ideal time to be starting a blog as we have exactly 60 days to vacate the house we have been living in for the last 4 1/2 years, 2 wee fellas in tow, 1 unwell big fella, and no house to go to as yet! Nothing like a bit of procrastination-where are those hob nobs?...

Maybe we'll find a house like this...

or this



but most likely something like this


A good ol' brick veneerial!!

If I could have found the right French farmhouse that would be here too - I'd be opening shutters willy nilly. Must have shutters....... there are exceptions however (see above).
As we live in the mountains I think the first 2 are reasonably unlikely:(

This would do...
Property Investments Provence

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